Listen to this

When my kids were in preschool, their teachers had them take listening walks. They’d hold hands with a partner and head out into the neighborhood, not speaking. This was a field trip I always volunteered for. I loved watching them wander over the world with their eyes, yanking on their partner, or being yanked, giggling … Continue reading Listen to this

Short Order

Here is the short list of kitchen failures at our house: fried zucchini medallions baby back ribs in BBQ sauce enchiladas with mild sauce and shredded chicken ditto with shredded, as in a Cuisinart shredded, beef and pork lasagna with and without meat meatballs meatloaf mashed potatoes mashed sweet potatoes potatoes of any kind cooked … Continue reading Short Order

Back to school

First and third grade started for  us this week. I was ill-prepared for the emotional freak out of watching my boy, my boy! march away from me into the mysterious recesses of his new school. It wasn't Kindergarten after all—he stayed at preschool for Kindergarten. Nobody else was bawling. Even the kids seemed soberly resigned … Continue reading Back to school