The Maw

I’ve got this thing for houses. I like old houses best. I like the smell of old wood, I like the way light comes through single pane glass and old glazing. I even like the dust motes endlessly hovering along stairwells or sitting like ghosts in empty rooms. Today, for the record, is the day … Continue reading The Maw

Crowing again

I've got to share a poet. He's a faculty member in the program where I'm currently a student, which is how I encountered him. When he reads, I feel like I'm in church. His book, Lawrence Booth's Book of Visions (2001 Yale University Press) knocked my socks off last winter. His new book, The Gone … Continue reading Crowing again


My kids are huge suddenly. Nora eats more, has a stomach and needs her sleep. She cracks jokes, has moods, and when she tries to cuddle it can be awkward, because she is so physically big. We barely both fit in the overstuffed chair. She doesn't fit under my downward dog the way she used … Continue reading Tuesdays